The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales

Level B1 - Pre-Intermediate - Geoffrey Chaucer

A group of pilgrims are on their way to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket's shrine. They decide that each of them will tell a story of their own. A cross-section of the 14thcentury society, realistically highlighted in the General Prologue, and in tales such as The Knight's Tale, The Miller's Tale, The Wife of Bath's Tale, The Merchant's Tale and The Pardoner's Tale.A historical and linguistic presentation introduces the book; stimulating closer examinations enrich each tale. Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities Sulla strada verso Canterbury, in visita al santuario di Thomas Becket, un gruppo di pellegrini decide di raccontare ognuno una propria storia. Uno spaccato della società inglese del XIV secolo, evidenziato realisticamente nel General Prologue e da racconti quali The Knight’s Tale, The Miller’s Tale, The Wife of Bath’s Tale, The Merchant’s Tale e The Pardoner’s Tale. Arricchiscono il reader l’introduzione al periodo e all’opera, e approfondimenti sulle tematiche presenti nei vari racconti. a cura di R. Beolè

The Canterbury Tales

Level B1 - Pre-Intermediate - Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales

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