Heart of Darkness

WORKING ON SKILLS S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S Listening 11 6 B2 Practice Listen to a passage about the impact of Heart of Darkness both on successive literature and the film industry, and complete the sentences using no more than three words. a. Since its publication, Heart of Darkness has been one of the most ............................................................... and debated works in the English language. b. The idea that ............................................................... us is at the basis of Willliam Golding s The Lord of the Flies. c. A group of boys who are the ............................................................... a desert island soon regress to the condition of savages. d. Conrad s novel was the most important ............................................................... for the film Apocalypse Now. e. The film is ............................................................... during the Vietnam War. f. Captain Willard has the ............................................................... and killing Colonel Kurtz. g. Colonel Kurtz has ............................................................... and is even more dangerous than the enemy. h. With his soldiers, Colonel Kurtz has gone ............................................................... into the forest, into neutral Cambodia. i. When the Captain ............................................................... to kill him, his final words are The horror, the horror! . j. Later, in 1993, ............................................................... of Conrad s novel was also made. Writing 7 Think of a different conclusion to Marlow s narrative and write his imaginary report of the conversation with Kurtz s fiancée. Use as many words as you think necessary. Speaking 8 With a partner discuss the reason why Marlow calls the Company agents pilgrims . Belgian trading steamer on the Congo River (early 20th cent.) 122

Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness
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