Doctor Faustus

2 Match the roles to the right characters. 1. A couple whom Faustus visits and for whom he conjures up some grapes. 2. The head of the Roman Catholic church, whom Faustus and Mephistopheles use as a target of their practical jokes. 3. Two German scholars who knew something about the practice of magic and who teach Faustus about the art of conjuring. 4. A credulous man who buys Faustus s horse which disappears when it is ridden into water. 5. The emperor at whose court Faustus illustrates his magical powers. 6. An enigmatic figure that appears in the final scene and urges Faustus to ask God for mercy. 7. A German nobleman at the emperor s court who is sceptical about Faustus s power. To teach him a lesson Faustus makes horns come out of his head. 8. Faustus s servant. a. Charles V b. A peasant c. An old man d. Benvolio e. Duke and Duchess of Vanholt f. Valdes and Cornelius g. The Pope h. Wagner 3 Complete the table by noting down how these major themes of the play are shown. Theme How Man s divided nature good and bad angel Faustus s conflicting desire to repent and to continue sinning Sin Redemption Free will and fate 87

Doctor Faustus
Doctor Faustus
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