Doctor Faustus

AFTER READING The punishment WORKING ON THE TEXT 5 Chapter 1 Answer the questions. a. Who did Faustus and his two friends agree was the most beautiful woman in the world? b. What weapon did Mephistopheles hand Faustus to encourage him to commit suicide? c. Who did Faustus appoint as his sole heir? d. Why couldn t Mephistopheles hurt the wise old man? e. Can you name all the devils mentioned in the chapter? f. Why did Faustus implore for more time at eleven o clock? g. Why did he pray God to transform him into an animal? h. What did Faustus s friends find in his room the following day? 2 Put the events in chronological order and in the right sections. a. Wagner is deeply worried about Faustus s state of mind. b. Faustus talks about intellectual and lighter issues with his friends. c. Faustus s friends enter the room and find his body on the floor. d. Faustus is about to commit suicide with a sharp dagger. e. Faustus makes Mephistopheles summon Helen of Troy. f. He wishes to be turned into an animal. g. Faustus s old friends from university come to see him again. h. Faustus understands time won t stop and he ll be damned forever. i. An old man comes to give Faustus some good advice. j. He asks Mephistopheles to call Helen of Troy back a second time. k. The good and bad angels talk to Faustus. l. He confirms his pact with Lucifer with his blood again. m. Faustus reveals all his deadly sins to his friends. Faustus s last days: a, Faustus s doomsday: g, WORKING ON VOCABULARY 3 Complete the phrases with the verbs in the box, then use some of them to complete the text. make (x 3) do break hurt feel tell (x2) commit a. .............................. or break a promise b. .............................. a mistake c. .............................. a lie d. .............................. guilty e. .............................. the law 81 f. ............................... a sin g. ............................ a wrong choice h. ....................... someone s feelings i. ..................... (someone) the truth j. ............................ something wrong

Doctor Faustus
Doctor Faustus
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