Doctor Faustus

Dr Faustus Don t worry, Faustus, Mephistopheles reassured him, it may happen. I ll bring you some fire to melt11 your blood, so the pen will start working again. The devil made some fire appear, heated the pen, and the blood began flowing12 again. Faustus concluded and signed the contract, but, all of a sudden, he shouted in fear, Look at my arm, Mephistopheles! Look at this! What what does it mean? Faustus was scared because two words had appeared on his arm, Homo, fuge13! Why should I run away? Where should I go? asked Faustus in despair, Should I turn to God to our father? Oh, no he ll never save me, he ll throw me into hell he sighed in tears. Mephistopheles realised that this moment of remorse was dangerous. Faustus was weak and near repentance, so he thought, Hurry up, Mephistopheles! Do something! Faustus needs some amusement some distraction to keep his mind away from God and heaven! Let s make him taste what magic can perform and the pleasures of hell he smiled and summoned some devils. The room was soon full of spirits of all shapes: they offered Faustus gold, jewels, rich clothes and delicious food which cheered him up14 and sent his fears away. Faustus was still holding the signed contract in his hand. He waited for another second but, in the end, gave it to Mephistopheles. The devil smiled with a light in his eyes and started reading out aloud, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In accordance with the following conditions: Faustus will be a spirit in body and soul; Mephistopheles will be his servant at his command; Mephistopheles will do and bring Faustus whatever he wants; Mephistopheles will be invisible in Faustus s house; Mephistopheles will appear in any shape Faustus demands. 11. melt: to make liquid. 12. flowing: moving continuously. 13. Homo, fuge: (Latin) Man, run away. 14. cheered him up: made him happy and comforted him. 28

Doctor Faustus
Doctor Faustus
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