
MODAL VERBS esercizi 1 Riscrivi queste frasi alla forma negativa e interrogativa. a. b. c. d. 2 Mary can play the piano well. I can meet you at the airport. They can talk for hours. Donald can speak four languages. e. f. g. h. Elizabeth can do the shopping. You can tell him a story. We can prove our innocence. The Simpsons can come with us. Completa le seguenti frasi con can o can t. He s an excellent footballer. He ............... score a lot of goals. It s too late. We ............... go shopping now. ............... I give you some more coffee? I ............... ski, but not very well. We ............... tell her to come with us. The car is full! Derek lived in France for five years. He ............ speak French fluently but he ............ write it accurately. g. ............... you please tell me how to get to the station? h. Turn the TV down, please. I ............... hear you! a. b. c. d. e. f. 3 Scrivi delle frasi completando gli spazi vuoti con can o can t e abbinando le espressioni della colonna A e della colonna B. A a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 4 You ............... drive a car ............... you She ............... be so late! You ........... trespass beyond this point. It s too noisy! I ............... I ............... come by car George ............... pass the exam You ............... wear summer clothes. B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. pass me the salt, please? It s forbidden. if there are no buses. concentrate. It s too cold. if he studies hard. under 18 in Italy. I think she s missed the bus. Ponendo il segno nella relativa colonna, indica che cosa esprime can in ciascuna delle seguenti frasi. Capacità Possibilità concreta Permesso informale Supposizione a. Can I borrow your pen, please? b. She can t be so nasty! c. We can meet at the station. d. She can cook very well. e. I cannot use Excel. f. They can come by bus. g. Hurry up, it s half past ten! It can t be so late! h. Don t worry, I can inform them. 297

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