
Macbeth A Night of Horrors Chapter 3 (Act 2, Scenes I, II, III) It was past midnight, the sky was dark and starless and Banquo was still walking up and down in the courtyard1 with his son Fleance. He had accompanied the King to his apartment but he couldn t decide to go to bed because his mind was troubled. He was surprised to see a servant with a torch approach him, followed by Macbeth. What, Sir! Are you still up? The King was particularly pleased with your welcome and sent gifts for the servants and this diamond to his most kind hostess , Lady Macbeth. We were not ready for the royal visit, replied Macbeth, and our preparations were hasty the service inadequate Then Banquo told Macbeth that he had seen the Three Sisters in a dream the night before. What they revealed to you has proved true in part, this is worrying me. Ah, I have stopped thinking of them, answered Macbeth. But I hope we ll find a moment to discuss it. They agreed to discuss the matter very soon. Then Banquo and Fleance left, while Macbeth sent the servant to bed with a message to Lady Macbeth: Ring the bell when my drink is ready. Macbeth was now alone, and suddenly a dagger2 materialized before him. He was surprised. Is this a dagger, which I see before me, The handle3 towards my hand? Come, let me hold you, I can t catch you and yet I see you all the time. Are you only a dagger of the mind, a false creation, Resulting from my over-excited mind? 1. courtyard: free area with buildings around. 2. dagger: long pointed knife. 3. handle: part of the dagger used to hold it. 34

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